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2.4 Colors in Spanish
The following is a list of colors in Spanish:
Colores | Colors |
Amarillo | Yellow |
Azul | Blue |
Rojo | Red |
Blanco | White |
Negro | Black |
Verde | Green |
Naranja | Orange |
Morado | Purple |
Rosado | Pink |
Café | Brown |
Gris | Grey |
Plateado | Silver |
Dorado | Gold |
Cobrizo | Copper |
Esmeralda | Emerald |
Aguamarina | Aquamarine |
Turquesa | Turquoise |
Magenta | Magenta |
Lila | Lilac |
Violeta | Violet |
Beige | Beige |
Crema | Cream |
Malva | Mauve |
Granate | Maroon |
Mostaza | Mustard |

And now some examples:
Yo perdí mi saco blanco - I lost my white sweater
Tus ojos verdes son hermosos - Your green eyes are beautiful
El carro blanco en la calle es de ella - The white car on the street is hers
¿Tienes un sombrero negro? - Do you have a black hat?
¿De qué color es tu bolso? Es malva - What color is your handbag? It's mauve