Beginner Lessons



Ingles Practico

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2.4 Colors in Spanish

The following is a list of colors in Spanish:

Colores Colors
Amarillo Yellow
Azul Blue
Rojo Red
Blanco White
Negro Black
Verde Green
Naranja Orange
Morado Purple
Rosado Pink
Café Brown
Gris Grey
Plateado Silver
Dorado Gold
Cobrizo Copper
Esmeralda Emerald
Aguamarina Aquamarine
Turquesa Turquoise
Magenta Magenta
Lila Lilac
Violeta Violet
Beige Beige
Crema Cream
Malva Mauve
Granate Maroon
Mostaza Mustard

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And now some examples:

Yo perdí mi saco blanco - I lost my white sweater
Tus ojos verdes son hermosos - Your green eyes are beautiful
El carro blanco en la calle es de ella - The white car on the street is hers
¿Tienes un sombrero negro? - Do you have a black hat?
¿De qué color es tu bolso? Es malva - What color is your handbag? It's mauve

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