Home / Intermediate / 5. Useful Verbs
5.6. Useful expressions with 'Dar'
The verb ‘dar’ - ‘to give’ is used in a variety of expressions. The following is a list of some common ones.
1. 'Dar un paseo/dar una vuelta' – to take a walk
Vamos a dar un paseo/dar una vuelta por el parque – Let’s take a walk through the park
2. 'Dar a luz' – to give birth:
Ella dió a luz a un niño sano – She gave birth to a healthy baby
3. 'Dar a' - to face:
Les doy un cuarto que da al mar – I’m giving you a room with an ocean view (that faces the sea)
4. 'Dar asco' – to disgust:
Ese hombre me da asco – That man disgusts me
5. 'Dar las gracias' – to thank:
Te damos las gracias por todo lo que has hecho por nosotros – We thank you for all you have done for us
6. 'Dar por' – to consider:
Ellos me dieron por muerto – They considered me dead
7. 'Dar con' – to find unexpectedly:
Por fin di con la solución – At last I found the solution
Dimos con un viejo amigo del colegio – We came across an old friend from school
8. Here are a few more expressions with ‘dar’:
Me da igual – It’s the same to me
¿Qué mas da? – What difference does it make?
Ese vecino me da miedo – That neighbor frightens me
El sol me da en la cara – The sun is shining on my face
El reloj dió las diez – The clock struck 10
reflexive form of 'dar'
The reflexive form of 'dar' -> 'darse’, also has a number of important uses in conversational Spanish.
1. 'Darse cuenta' – to realize:
Me di cuenta que era la misma mujer – I realized that it was the same woman
Ella se dió cuenta cuando me vió sonriendo – She realized when she saw me smiling
2. 'Darse por vencido' – to give up:
Después de una hora, me di por vencido – After an hour I gave up
3. 'Darse prisa' – to hurry:
¡Date prisa! Estamos por salir – Hurry up! We are about/ready to leave