Intermediate Lessons



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Home / Intermediate / 5. Useful Verbs

5.1 Elapsed Time

There are a number of time expressions in Spanish that can often be confusing. The best way to learn them is to take a look at examples.

use of the verb 'llevar'

The verb ‘llevar’ can be used in a number of ways. Normally it is used to mean ‘to take away’ or ‘carry with you’ but another common usage is as follows:

¿Cuánto tiempo llevas en este trabajo? – How long have you been working here?
Llevo casi un año trabajando aquí – I have been working here for almost one year
Llevamos más de diez años en Madrid – We have been (living) in Madrid for more than ten years
Mi tío llevaba veinte años viviendo en este pueblo – My uncle had been living in this town for twenty years

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use of the verb 'hacer que'

The verb ‘hacer que’ can also be used to express how long something has been going on, as in:

¿Cuánto tiempo hace que vives in Colombia? – How long have you been living in Colombia?
Hace dos años que vivo en México – I have been living in Mexico for 2 years
Vivo en Argentina desde hace cinco años – I have been living in Argentina for 5 years
Hace tres meses que no lo veo – I haven’t seen him for 3 months
Hacía tres meses que no lo veía – I hadn’t seen him for 3 months

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Using ‘hacer’ without the ‘que’ changes the meaning:

Tomé una clase de español hace cinco años – I took a class in Spanish five years ago

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use of the word 'desde'

‘desde’ is used to express ‘since’ or ‘from’:

Desde ahora vamos a hablar sólo en español – From now on we are only going to speak in Spanish
Nos conocemos desde 1974 – We have known each other since 1974
No lo veo desde hace 30 años – I haven’t seen him for 30 years

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use of the verbs 'demorar' and 'durar'

To describe duration you can use either ‘demorar’ – to delay or ‘durar’ – to last:

¿Por qué demoras tanto? – Why are you taking so long?
¿Cuánto tiempo dura el vuelo? – How long is the flight?

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use of the verb 'tomar'

You could also use ‘tomar’ to describe how long things take:

Eso tomaría demasiado tiempo – That would take too much time
¿Cuánto tiempo toma para llegar a Londres? – How long does it take to get to London?

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